How to do a SOAP Bible Study
Pray, asking the Holy Spirit to give you an understanding of the bible passage.
Preview the text by quickly reading through the section you are studying in order to get a general idea of what is being said. It is best to read out loud. In your mind, answer the “who, what, when, where, and why” questions.
Next, read the text slowly, asking the Holy Spirit to guide you to the verses he wants you to apply to your life. Select a few verses to be the focus of your study. Copy these verses under SCRIPTURE.
Under OBSERVATION write down your observations and interpretations of the passage. You could paraphrase, outline, look up keywords, write down questions that require further research, or summarize. Look for the timeless principle that God wants you to apply to your life.
Write this timeless principle under APPLICATION “knowing that.”
Under “I will” write how you will put this principle into practice in your life/relationships. Be specific enough so that you can tell when you’ve obeyed. Make your application measurable.
Ask a fellow weekly bible study member to encourage you and hold you accountable to put your application into practice. Develop a communication plan with them that will actually work.
Close your study in PRAYER, asking Jesus to enable you to complete your application. Ask him to show you who to tell what you learned.
TELL someone what you learned.
Used by permission from Michael Mowry; Chi Alpha Director Central Washington University