Reconciling Students to Christ
5 Fold Approach
We Model Our Ministry After Acts 2:42-47
We believe in a God who is always good, all powerful, and who longs to partner with us to bring Heaven onto Earth. We believe in the power of the Holy Spirit to transform lives, bring healing and hope, and move among us in supernatural ways.
We believe in prioritizing the presence of God and that the natural reaction to knowing Jesus is worship.
We pray that in Chi Alpha you will experience Him in a tangible way and walk in your identity as a worshipper.
We believe that we can't do life alone. There are aspects of God that can only be experienced through and with other people.
We believe in following Jesus and making disciples.
"And the things that you have heard me say im the presence of many witnesses entrust to reliable people who will also be qualified to teach others"
2 Timothy 2:2
We believe in living a life that reflects our relationship with God in what we say and do.
May the Gospel be spread throughout SoCal and the nations.
Every Student Goes — SoCal Universities
Every Student Goes is about stepping into God’s calling—whether across campus, the country, or the world—to make Jesus known in every place we go.
Jesus said, “You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth” (Acts 1:8). “Jerusalem” could be your campus, “Judea and Samaria” for instance could be campuses in Southern California yet to be reached, and “the ends of the earth” is every corner of this world that has yet to hear the name of Jesus.
The Great Commission in Matthew 28 echoes this call to go. And the promise Jesus gives us is that He will be with us. We don’t go in our strength but with a promise to be empowered by His Spirit. A promise is defined as "a declaration or an assurance that one will do a particular thing or that a particular thing will happen." Think about a time when someone made a promise to you and followed through—it builds trust and confidence. Now imagine the Creator of the universe making a promise to you. His promises are unshakable. What God promises, He will do. There are over 7,147 promises in the Bible that God has made to humanity. In an increasingly unstable and unpredictable world, we need to anchor ourselves in the Promises of God.
Southern California—with its 156 colleges and universities and over 1 million college students—is a mission field ripe for the harvest. Yet, as of now, Chi Alpha is present on only one of those campuses. That means 155 campuses and hundreds of thousands of students don’t have the opportunities that you have had through the ministry of Chi Alpha. Southern California is a cultural hub influencing the world through its students, its innovation, entertainment, and its diversity. Imagine the ripple effect of reaching these campuses for Christ. In 2022, leaders from throughout the nearly 300 XA chapters across the nation gathered in LA to pray and believe for a new day in SoCal and toward this vision. We believe that day is here.
Like an ocean wave, this vision has been forming for a long time, shaped by the Spirit of God moving beneath the surface and stirring the hearts of many. In deep waters, waves may look like gentle ripples, but as they travel—sometimes across thousands of miles—they grow in strength and momentum. When they reach the shore, the energy compresses, causing the wave to rise and break with tremendous power.
Just as waves grow stronger as they approach the shore, we believe this ministry will continue to gain strength and impact as more of us come together. With the power of the Holy Spirit and your willingness to respond, we can make this vision a reality, reaching the universities in SoCal and beyond.